Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Back From The Brink Book Birthday!

It's here! Today is BACK FROM THE BRINK's book birthday!

As my author friends know, this is a major event. We celebrate milestones in a book's creation. For me, it starts with the acceptance of a proposal from my publisher. The next milestone, for one of my nonfiction books, is the completion of the first draft, followed by a bunch of small milestones that aren't celebrated with the same fervor, but might just be marked by a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine or a walk outdoors. The final milestone is the release of the finished book out into the public -- THE BOOK BIRTHDAY!

As with all books, it takes a village to get to this day. In my case, a fabulous agent named Jennifer Laughran, who I adore, an editor who always seems to get me and what I'm trying to say, named Erica Zappy (Like I say to students during my school visits - she's the one who really helps make my book the best it can be), and countless others along the way, including copywriters and book designers, who are invaluable. (Not to mention...all of the dedicated scientists and conservationists who I wrote about in the book!)

Today is THAT special day. BACK FROM THE BRINK is now out in the world and on Saturday I'll be celebrating that birthday at Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, NY with a launch celebration!

I can't wait to see this book out in the wild, in the hands of my readers. If I've succeeded, the stories I've included of these endangered species will bring them hope and inspire them to care for our planet.

Here is what the reviewers have said (And yes, if you are wondering, waiting for reviews are the hold-your-breath-moments of book creation):

"[Castaldo] offers solid, meaningful suggestions for young readers [...] including many, many learning opportunities: things to watch and read, organizations to investigate, websites and parks to explore. Challenging but important reading for the intended audience."--Kirkus, STARRED review 
 "An intimate and optimistic look at humans’ ability to protect the planet’s biodiversity."--Publishers Weekly 
 "Readers will be moved by Castaldo’s appreciation for these animals."--Booklist, STARRED review 
 "Middle school students will find this a topical, timely affirmation that nurturing the planet’s biodiversity is not a lost cause."--School Library Journal
I do hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you do! Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

Congratulations, Carrie Tillotson, on Alpacas Here, Alpacas There!

Thank you so much, Carrie, for sharing the release of ALPACAS HERE, ALPACAS THERE with us! Young readers love STEAM books and I’m sure you...