Friday, November 10, 2023

Good News and Bad News ---For Wolves

There was good news and bad news recently for our country's gray wolf population, as you see below. While the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reinstated federal protections for gray wolves, the agency only restored those protections in 45 states. Wolves in the Northern Rockies are still at risk. 

     I wrote about the ping-ponging of federal protections for wolves in BACK FROM THE BRINK. That ping pong game is still in play. Your efforts are needed to stop the game and protect one of our most essential species. As I wrote in THE WOLVES AND MOOSE OF ISLE ROYALE, wolves are essential to their ecosystems. We need predators to help our entire environment thrive. 
     We are lucky to have an Endangered Species Act in our country that helps to recover threatened wildlife, but it is crucial that we protect and support that legislation. 

For more about wolves go to the NY Wolf Conservation Center online. You can make a difference. Howl for wolves! 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Let's Read About Farming!

 It was a pleasure to be asked to present two of my books about farming - THE FARM THAT FEEDS US and THE WORLD THAT FEEDS US - along with two wonderful picture book authors, Mia Wenjen and Maria Gianferrari yesterday at Newtonville Books in Newton, MA. 

It's always fun to see how different authors treat the same topic -- in this case agriculture. Since the books all hit on different aspects of farming and are presented differently they pair well together. 

Maria's THANK A FARMER is illustrated by Monica Mikai and celebrates the people and the work that put food on our tables.  

Mia's FOOD FOR THE FUTURE, illustrated by Robert Sae-Heng, offers readers a rhyming look at different ways food is farmed around the world.  

Ginnie Hsu beautifully illustrated both of my books that center on how farmers are keeping us and our planet healthy with sustainable farming methods.  

For an older look at sustainable agriculture and state of our crops, take a look at my award-winning young adult book THE STORY OF SEEDS. It's now in paperback! 

Congratulations, Carrie Tillotson, on Alpacas Here, Alpacas There!

Thank you so much, Carrie, for sharing the release of ALPACAS HERE, ALPACAS THERE with us! Young readers love STEAM books and I’m sure you...