Tuesday, July 31, 2018

15 Middle Grade Titles To Encourage Kids To Explore The Outdoors

Inspired by Melissa Stewart's wonderful post of picture books that encourage outdoor exploration, I've put together this list of middle grade books, both fiction and nonfiction, that older kids might enjoy reading this summer. 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

5 Books that Introduce Readers to the Endangered Species Act

Here are five titles that will introduce young readers to this important legislation. The Endangered Species Act has saved countless species, including pelicans, bald eagles, whales, whooping cranes, wolves, and grizzly bears. Let's keep it strong for future generations!

Friday, July 6, 2018

5 Books that Feature Eagles

I had the most challenging time photographing bald eagles for BACK FROM THE BRINK: Saving Animals From Extinction. Everywhere I went I saw eagles  -- when I DIDN'T have my camera equipment. They seemed to be playing with me as they flew over my car time after time. Finally, I did observe and photograph them in Florida and New York State.

Every time I see them flying free overhead,  I am reminded of how close we came to losing this magnificent bird. If it wasn't for the Endangered Species Act we probably would have.

Here are five titles that feature our national bird and one of my final photos.

Congratulations, Carrie Tillotson, on Alpacas Here, Alpacas There!

Thank you so much, Carrie, for sharing the release of ALPACAS HERE, ALPACAS THERE with us! Young readers love STEAM books and I’m sure you...